About Hallmark Height

Hallmark Heights College is a highly academic-performance-selective, socio-ethno-multicultural, all-inclusive, non-partisan, non-denominational, non-discriminatory, gender-friendly, eco-friendly, energy-efficient, co-educational, Education-Industry-Compliant Institution, with Day-and-Boarding provisions for Boys and Girls, aged between 10/11-years and 16/17.

The Hallmark Heights College culturally/physically-All-Inclusive academic community does welcome Students from all over Nigeria, and indeed, from all over the world.

Our “Go-Green” philosophy and Eco-friendliness are pragmatically in-built from our buildings’ design-conception/inception upto construction/execution stages, such as:

  • generous, lavish landscaping with luscious, luxuriant net-zero-carbon-footprint greenery
  • rain-water reticulation/recovery/recycling/re-use (toilets flushings) provisions (Water/Power Savings)
  • run-off –stormwater/liquid-effluents handling infiltration-basins within our campus site
  • olympic-size college swimming-pool water emptying into infiltration-basins within our campus site
  • waste solids (papers, polythenes, kitchen-wastes, combustibles) disposed of in government waste sites
  • all-inclusive accessibilities for the physically-challenged, such as ramps onto buildings and the swimming pool

The above initiatives were implemented with immense respect for our neighbouring community with sparse overstressed road-drainage systems and road networks.

Hallmark Heights College, also as part of her Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] initiatives, does undertake extensive road-repairs that impact our Community with positive externalities. . . See, in our “College Archives Documents/Photo Library”, the Commendation/Appreciation Letter from our respected Temidire Community Development Association [CDA], on behalf of Ogun State, Ifo LGA total-10-CDA’s.

Our target post O-Level academic-performance expectations from our graduating students are grade-1-Distinctions (and Credits, at the least), coupled with high moral-character, across the board, and gaining admissions into top Universities, globally, and in Nigeria, in particular.

Our well-blended team of highly-motivated/trained, multi-talented and multi-tasked Teaching Staff, working in harmonious concert with our highly esteemed parents, (using PHSE Education techniques), to develop all the desirable positive unique individual personality character-traits/attributes in our students, that they (as holistically-educated individuals) make priceless, valuable contributions to our academic community, to the wider community, to Nigeria and to the wider world as denizens.

The Hallmark Heights College educational brand value propositions bestow on our Students interpersonal relations management, respect for themselves, peers and for the community/elders, empathetic-kindness, high mental/emotional intelligence-quotients as effective collaborators and communicators with a high sense of personal worth and solid achievements, self-reliance, self-confidence through structured-directed-learning, informed-decision-making and calculated-risk-taking.

The Hallmark Heights College cultural and physical all-inclusive academic community does welcome students from all over Nigeria, and indeed, from all over the world.

To mould our pre-teenage and teenage students, still in their formative years, into wholesomely-serving, respectable, honest and happy Nigerian and Global Communities’ citizens, utilising all the Creative life-skills we have internalised in them.

To achieve, in scientifically-quantifiable terms, our core values, ethos, mores and vision, all as measurable objectives, using all affordable, available and sustainable professionally-selected Teaching Resources, on due-diligence and due-process bases.

E = Excellence | C = Creativity | R = Respect | I = Integrity | S = Service

Hallmark School School is a school in which there is pride and order. These features are achieved through discipline, high expectations, courtesy and imagination.

Mrs. Meg Nwobia
Director, Hallmark Heights College

Hallmark Heights College sits on unassailable heights of a multicultural, all-inclusive, community-positively-oriented institution, committed to high academic and moral standards, and dedicated to inculcation of empathetic kindness and friendliness-to-peers, to honing of students’ commendable character attributes, and to harmonious co-existence amongst themselves and the neighbouring community, in an atmosphere that radiates serenity, mutual respect, tolerance, peace and harmony.

Why Hallmark Heights College?

Hallmark Heights College is a unique place construed from inception as a school where young boys and girls can pursue their constructive life ambitions and studies in a peaceful atmosphere where success is recognised and celebrated. The multinational, international and multi-cultural mix of students guarantees a vibrant, dynamic and variegated, yet harmoniously-interwoven community, with both a national, multinational and global perspective in which to peacefully co-exist, live, study and grow.

Aims, Objectives and Vision

The aims/objectives and vision of Hallmark Heights College are to:

  1. provide world class academic and moral education to local (Nigerian) and international students entrusted into our care, such that they develop self-confidence, respect for themselves, for others and for the environment, and achieve high sense of personal worth.
  2. provide international-Industry-standard education with affordable Teaching resources and facilities in an atmosphere Team-work is practised.
  3. recruit, motivate, support, develop and retain high calibre Teaching and non-Teaching Staff to passionately perform their roles in realising our Aams, objectives and vision.
  4. furnish students with opportunities/facilities to relish and enjoy their student-life, through structured and dedicated all-encompassing range of extracurricular activities, on-and-off Campus, within Nigeria and beyond.
  5. prepare students to cope with life-challenges in a rapidly changing/evolving world as denizens.
  6. readily furnish the students with modest tools/opportunities to keep in touch with home and the wider world.
  7. equip students, staff and the entire Hallmark Heights College community to positively care for the environment and responsibly-sustain/impact their immediate community and the wider society with positive externalities, as part of their corporate social responsibilities [CSR]

Discover all the good reasons to choose Hallmark Heights College