Our Grants process is fluid and seamless and ensures that every applicant has an equal chance of accessing and participating in our projects. These projects will at all times reflect our key priorities and themes, which are all centred around the emotional, economic and social development of the girl child and the woman.

The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation supports innovative interventions backed by effective strategies that respond to the challenges posed by gender inequality, high poverty rate, unemployment, and other equally urgent societal ills especially with regards to women in Nigeria. We seek to establish new opportunities by seizing innovative ideas and deploying creative methods to tackle these challenges.

The foundation seeks proposals covering the following specific themes:

  • Gender equity
  • Women empowerment
  • Girl child education/support
  • Skills Acquisition for women

The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation awards grants to local organizations whose sphere of interest covers one or more of our core priority areas. We also provide support to individuals based in Nigeria. We require organizations seeking funding to be legally incorporated. Interested organisations must submit a completed application proposal, budget, and other relevant documents including governance and leadership information (list of Board members, trustees and management staff who will be involved in the project, and proof of registration). Incomplete applications may be delayed.

Please consult The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation’s proposal writing guidelines to help ensure your proposal is submitted in the best possible way.

Selection criteria and process applications are evaluated on the extent to which the individual / organization possesses the vision, drive, experience and skills required to create and sustain a project that will advance The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation’s objectives.

Questions used as criteria for selection:


  • Does the applicant demonstrate the vision and skills, breadth of experience, and discipline needed to accomplish the project with a high degree of success in a timely and cost-effective manner?
  • Does the applicants’ track record and recommendations distinguish him/her as one who will lend a new or important voice to the advocacy community and be an agent for change?
  • Does the applicant possess the leadership and analytical potentials to advocate for the continued change needed to raise the level of their chosen vocation through excellence such that it will impact their chosen field?


  • Is the project relevant to The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation’s strategic priorities?
  • Is the project sufficiently innovative in its approach and sound in its strategy to have an impact on public opinion, policies, and/or reform activities at the national, regional or local level?
  • Are the project goals and timeline realistic and manageable?
  • Does the project budget speak to the activities?
  • Is the timeline and the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of the project well defined?
  • Does the project identify and build on existing efforts by organizations or individuals already working on the issue?
  • Does the project have multiplier effects?


The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation requires all applicants seeking funding to submit a completed proposal template, a budget, and a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
The application should also include the following information as attachments:

  • Proof of nationality (NIN, International Passport, Evidence of state of origin)
  • Marital Status and List of Direct Dependants
  • A list of current activities (e.g Trader, Businesswoman)
  • Knowledge of any skill/trade vocation (if available)

We know writing a Proposal can be daunting, and that is why we have prepared these guidelines to help you. They outline what The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation considers the main elements of a grant proposal. We prefer proposal written in clear and concise English.

 Our tips: 

  1. Address a need
    In preparing the proposal, the individual and organization seeking a grant must demonstrate its capacity to address a need. This need should clearly fall within The Lovette Lami Abe Memorial Foundation’s thematic areas and should prioritize the needs of the girl child and women in general.
  2. Research
    Before submitting a proposal, the grant seeker should research the foundation’s mission and strategic priorities.
  3. Structured
    Well thought-out, structured and carefully written proposals are more likely to be given favourable attention than those less carefully put together.
  4. Feasibility
    Most funders support a project only when convinced that it is feasible and that the prospective grantee is capable of implementing it.
  5. Innovation
    As much as possible applicants are encouraged to be creative and think outside-the-box.